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Namespace Root
Table of Contents

Though shrouded in secrecy, #opers is home to many premium chats. Its residents are, as the name implies, the best opers available to mankind. When left to themselves, Malvager opers love providing premium chats, ideally through ban messages, when not impeded by Axon acceptability standards.
14:47:00 dubscloud → dubsman 15:08:06 dubsman → dubscloud 15:08:34 dubscloud → dubsman 15:08:47 Connection closed unexpectedly: Closing Link: dubsman[] (User has been banned from Malvager (no reason)) 15:10:19 → dubsman joined (uid2387@dub.gun) 15:10:19 Channel mode is +ntr 15:11:57 ⇐ ~Wazakindjes quit ( User has been banned from Malvager (LMAO) 15:11:58 ⇐ psycho quit ( User has been banned from Malvager (LMAO) 15:12:08 → Wazakindjes joined ( 15:12:10 ~Wazakindjes was promoted to owner (+q) by T_ 15:12:10 ~Wazakindjes was opped (+o) by T_ 15:12:40 → psycho joined ( 15:12:40 +psycho was voiced (+v) by Gottem 15:15:22 Connection closed unexpectedly: Closing Link: dubsman[] (User has been banned from Malvager (LMAO)) 15:16:09 → dubsman joined (uid2387@dub.gun) 15:21:29 ⇐ &Gottem quit (Gottem@halp-9EF817C1) Killed (psycho (debug this wazakindjes)) 15:21:50 ⇐ +psycho quit ( User has been banned from Malvager (how about no)