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Quite possibly the most premium channel on the network, #hackforums is a channel with a lot of skid history.
Back in 2009, this used to be the main channel of the Malvager network. It contained regulars, as well as the endless stream of idiots asking for stupid shit, such as asking for help with RATs and batch. This often resulted in the regulars trolling the kids, who would retaliate with their buttnet.
When things changed in 2011, #chats was created, and #hackforums juped (read: killed) because it was a channel that was so endlessly shitty, ties had to be cut with the past. From then on, #hackforums has been pretty much dead. Especially since Malvager now dissociated with HackForums. However, the occasional idiot still comes wandering in, which still results in him being trolled and buttmad. Here follow some nice quotes from occasional analanguished discussions.
[22:36] <lmsmi1> So what you're saying is that everyone, or ALMOST everyone, on this chat channel was too stupid to search up how to program HACK?
how to program HACK?
[22:49] <Nonmod> We are experiencing incoherent rage. Please stand by, while lmsmi1 jimmies are being calmed down. [22:49] <ZedNull> pretty much the only thing Malvager has ever got from HF is a hit on bandwidth.