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users:synny [2016/03/30 23:52:17]
users:synny [2017/04/01 07:13:28] (current)
psycho [Depiction of Killing Floor]
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-====== Synny ======+======Synny======
 **Synny** is one of the oldest members of Malvager, with a passion for retro vidya gaems, and a vague sense for electronics. Has hijacked a buttnet once. **Synny** is one of the oldest members of Malvager, with a passion for retro vidya gaems, and a vague sense for electronics. Has hijacked a buttnet once.
-===== Personality ====+=====Personality====
-==== Views on abortion and homosexuality ==== +====Killing Floor====
-  [15:21] <Synny> i kick pregnant women in their stomach because im a fag +
- +
-==== Depiction of Killing Floor ====+
   [15:43] <Synny`> imagine a british miner yelling insults at you that you dont understand while chasing you with a pickaxe   [15:43] <Synny`> imagine a british miner yelling insults at you that you dont understand while chasing you with a pickaxe
-==== Other ====+====Other====
   [23:05] <Synny`> yo Twirlie   [23:05] <Synny`> yo Twirlie
   [23:05] <Synny`> check out the size of my dong man   [23:05] <Synny`> check out the size of my dong man
users/synny.1459371137.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/03/30 23:52:17 by pilopew